How to Care For a Pet Box Turtle

Box turtles are fascinating creatures that make great pets. There are four main species commonly kept as pets: Eastern Turtle, Three-Toed Turtle, Gulf Coast Turtle, and Ornate Turtle. These turtles can grow to be anywhere from three to seven inches in length and weigh between five to ten pounds.

However, owning a box turtle is a long-term commitment as it can live for over 50 years if properly cared for. Each species has its own dietary needs that should be met.

For example, the Eastern and Three-Toed turtles should have a diet consisting of half vegetables, fruits, and grasses, and the other half should be a low-fat protein such as worms, snails, and grasshoppers. The Gulf Coast Turtle's diet should consist of approximately 40% vegetables, fruits, and grasses, and the remainder should be low-fat protein. The Ornate Turtle is initially carnivorous and should be fed calcium-dusted crickets and worms, with vegetables and grasses as a minor part of their diet.

As land animals, box turtles should be kept in a terrarium or outdoors, weather permitting. Experts recommend keeping them outdoors in a pen as much as possible. If they are kept indoors, they will need a temperature-regulated terrarium with reptile light that provides both UVA and UVB rays.

Overall, box turtles are easy to care for and make wonderful pets for those willing to provide them with the proper care and attention they require.